Saturday, May 12, 2012


So often we find ourselves searching for the perfect person...that ideal person that is in actuality non-existent.  The person we should be searching for is not Mr. or Mrs. Perfect, but rather the person that is perfect for us. The perfect person would become stagnet and boring because they've already reach perfection so nothing would ever change.  With someone that is perfect for you, you both can grow and change and develop a love together. Also, searching is not something we should be doing when it comes to love.  Searching often leads to settling for less than what we expect, which in turn leads to heartache and hurt.  We have to learn to overcome insecurities that cause us to feel as though there is a void that needs to be filled by a certain someone.  With the acceptance of being in solitude, we can overcome these insecurities.  Once we have accepted solitude, a relationship no longer becomes a priority, but rather a casualty. What we all have in store for us will come in due time. So, show some patience and that "perfection" goal will be obtained.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much. Hopefully my words are of some help to you :)

  2. Wow,very well put. Made me stop for a minute and thank about a couple things. I actually needed this today. Thanks man.

    1. No problem. I'm glad my words could help you maybe to put things in to perspective a little. If you ever have any questions, or anything you just want to get off your chest, or just to talk, I'm always available.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much :) I hope it was of some encouragement! I also hope you have a wonderful day

  4. I wholeheartedly agree - especially with the overcoming insecurities part. So how do you deal with relationships?

    1. You shouldn't have to "deal" with a relationship. Thr relationship should be something that no matter what, you're happy to be in. Granted there will be hard times, you should want to be with your significant other no matter what. If you feel like you have to "deal" with your relationship, then you have settled for less than what you expect from a relationship.

  5. I was using the word "deal" in the most innocent way possible. I didn't literally mean "deal" with it. I meant how do you handle your relationships?

    1. Well, everyone has expectations from a relationship, so if I feel that preliminary expectations are met in the "talking" phase, then I pursue further. Once I feel that she and I share feelings that are mutually exclusive, then I take the next step as to making titles. I know that no matter what kind of relationship it is, we won't always see eye to eye, so I weigh out the pros and cons. That's how I determine if the relationship will be worthwhile. That's also how I determine the extent of the relationship. From the pros and cons I decide if I feel like it's more of a friendship or maybe there is something more. Is this what you meant by how I handle my relationships?

  6. Yes, you answered it. What are your expectations from a relationship? And do you think it's okay to "talk" to more than one person at a time? Sorry for all the ?s, I'm just curious and I always like hearing peoples' stances on it.

    1. This blog is not meant to convey my personal beliefs, but rather to help others understand their own better. However, if there are no bindings between two individuals, then there is nothing wrong with having friends. As long as the relationships between the friends you have don't exceed certain boundaries, then there is no problem. It's once the boundaries are crossed that distinction with friends should be made. One should not string along someone, leading them to believe there could be something more when boundaries have been set, crossed, and accepted with someone other than that particular individual.
